We've had a LOT going on lately with a new baby in the house, the warmer weather, Trevor's new work schedule, Canadian visitors, etc. Here's a brief overview of our last month or so.
Mother's Day

Jace had an incredibly cute Mother's Day program at school. They sang and danced. Here he is with one of his best school friends.

Jace did so good with all of his parts. His teacher does such a great job with the kids. We're so excited for Sissy to start next year.

Me & Jace. This was about 6 days days after I had the baby. I feel bad because the original date for the Mother's Day Program was on the day I was supposed to have Cole, so she moved it up a couple of days, but obviously that didn't all work out! Luckily Grandma & Grandpa came over to watch Cole so we didn't have to bring the babe.

Cole is still a BIG hit! The kids want to hold him all the time! They are so sweet and gentle with him. Pay attention to Brooklyn's hair because she had her first major hair cut!

Rylan came and stayed a couple of nights with us a couple of weeks ago and we LOVED it! Trevor has been working late and I get lonely, so it was perfect to have him come and stay! He is such a sweetheart and the kids LOVE playing with him! I think he asked me how he could help out about 50 times while he was here!

Cole and Logan are besties! They're getting so big and are so much fun! They especially like it when we dress them as twinners ;o)

Grammy and Papa came to visit us for a week the first part of June and Cole got spoiled with lots of loves and a beautiful quilt from Grammy.

Papa had the magic touch! When Cole was fussy, Papa would pick him up and Cole would cuddle right into his neck.

Cole is in his new elephant onesie Grammy and Papa brought for him. Grammy loves elephants!

We took the kids to the Dinosaur Park while they were in town and they loved it!
Here is Brooklyn sporting her new little bob. I definitely cut it shorter than I wanted (than had to have my stylist fix it!) but I'm loving it!!

Grammy and Sis. I'm not digging her new "cheese" whenever I take pictures. I have to tell her not to smile now so that she looks like herself in the pictures!

More fun at the dinosaur park!

Grammy and Papa with the babe. It was so sad to see them leave. Jace just sat there and sobbed saying he didn't want them to go. We love them so much!
We've had a great month and are loving the changes to our little family. It's definitely been challenging....my house is never quite clean, and the kids don't get bathed as much as they should, but we're enjoying our family of 5!
What fun pictures! I loved the one where Jace and Brooklyn are sitting on the pink dino, and Jace is hugging his neck. Both of their smiles were perfect!
Thanks for all of the pictures, Tiff.
We are sharing them with Deb's family here in Georgia - Very much enjoyed - the remark from Deb's sister-in-law (Sherri) stating that we've all been extremely blessed! Very True!!
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Happy Mother's day
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