On Friday we were all getting a little bit of cabin fever so we took Jace to Fat Cats. He had SUCH a blast! He would have been fine if I didn't spend a single dime on him, he just loved seeing all of the people and the fun arcade machines. We contemplated going bowling, but Jace was more entertained around the arcades. It's nice to have a place to go during the colder weather that's entertaining. It's also nice that he's still to small to want to spend all of my money at the arcade! We're definitely ready for some nice weather though....and for all the snow to melt. Spring can't come fast enough...
Here's Jace testing out his driving skills. He is seriously all boy! He sits up on the seat and automatically starts cruising. If you notice, he was too excited that we had a hard time even getting his coat off!Here is Jace on the Ferris Wheel. He said "Weeee" the whole time! It was hard to convince him to look at the camera...I probably looked like an idiot making funny faces and saying his name in different voices to get his attention. I guess he finally looked, so it was worth it, right?
Jace walked by the ski ball and fell in love instantly. He LOVES balls! He wanted to take the balls and throw them though...but we showed him how to play. He thought it was easier to just take the ball and drop it in instead of rolling it up the slope. Too bad his arms weren't a little longer and so he could get us some real points!!!
Here's Wes juggling both kids...I'm impressed! We had a fun night!
1 year ago
I agree that Spring can't come fast enough. Looks like you had a fun night. Lucky you.
Hi Tiff, way cute blog. I got it off of Jen's blog. I can't believe how big your kids have gotten. Let's get together for a play date soon and definately go to the park and Treehouse this summer again. Email me at munchsmom@gmail.com. so we can set something up.
So I am the biggest dork ever Tiff. I kept checking to see if my comment posted and it didn't so i thought I was doing something wrong so I kept sending it. Opps. Didn't realize you were set up to view it and okay if first. You can just disregaurd my last two comments then. Sorry! Not very familar with all this blgging stuff.
Tiff! I found your blog thru Ashley's...What a cute family you have! I'm so happy for you. I hope you don't care that I add you to my list of blogs...Luvs!
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