Get rid of the weeds.............................check
Get rid of more weeds........................check
Level the ground...................................check
Get rid of the weeds again...................check
Cement sidewalk around the house.....check
Get rid of yet more weeds.....................check
Level the ground again..........................check
As a reminder, here is what our yard looked a couple months ago. I kick myself now for not getting better "before" shots because it was horrible!!!
Special thanks to the Empeys for letting us use their tractor, you guys saved Trevor LOADS of time! Thanks to Wes and Paul for helping put in sod...and raking out the lot. Thanks to Tara and my parents for helping to watch the kids while I work. Thank you to TREVOR for getting our yard all done before winter! I'm so happy to be done with the dirt and mud!
That is a ton of grass, just looking at it makes my back ache!
It's about time Trevor!
Tiff, it's okay that you don't have too many before pictures; the horror of the yard is etched into my brain. What a difference some hard work makes! It looks wonderful and I can only imagine the amount of time that you guys must have spent getting rid of he weeds. We got about 4 inches of snow yesterday, so I think my yard projects are over until spring. Relax and enjoy and if you plant any trees; plant the LEAFLESS kind!
OHHHH I am so jealous. I do not look forward to starting on our 'check' list. It looks great!!!!
...hudda, hudda...let's just blame Eve for all the weeds and back ache...we'll send Achmed..(the dead terrorist) - see Jeff Dunham
how do you spell Achmed?
hey Trev...shoulda had pics of the Fuzz and the Fire
Great lookin' yard!! and home...and family...
That's it...I'm sending Achmed...
Yay! Nothing like a project...done! It looks great, love your house!
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