A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
So, this is the first time I've been "tagged" and I'm not quite sure how it works. It seems to be self explanatory, so I guess here goes!
1. I can't stand the feeling of sand between my toes. I know it's supposed to be one of those things that people love, but it drives me nuts! Even worse is wearing flip-flops in the sand. I guess I just must have sensitive feet!
2. I still hum primary songs to myself when I'm scared. Usually this occurs if I have to go to the bathroom at night. I'm super scared of mirrors, especially bathroom mirrors in the dark. Why? Because of stupid scary movies like "The Candy Man" and scary stories like "Bloody Mary". (Yes, I should probably just turn the lights on, but then I'd have to shut the door so I don't wake up Trevor...and then it makes it harder for me to fall back asleep...)
3. I love to read but rarely do, because it encompasses my whole life (take for example Twilight, read three books in one week!). Trevor HATES it when I start a book, because he knows he won't be seeing much of me until it's over...and the house won't see much cleaning from me either. This summer I decided to reread all of the Harry Potter books before the final one was released...it was a rough month or two..
4. I am PETRIFIED of heights. I haven't always been, but it seems like the older I get, the more scary they are. I used to make fun of my dad when I was younger because he was wimp when it came to heights, but now I'm right there with him. And not only do I get freaked out when I'm somewhat close to a ledge, but I can't stand watching other people get close either.
5. I'm an exact person. I like numbers and math...and love that there are specific and exact answers to problems. I wish everything was this same way. When someone is telling a story about something that has happened and they leave information out, or tell it "wrong" I am bound to correct them. This happens a lot with Trevor (poor guy). He'll be on the phone talking to his family, and updating them on what's going on in our lives. He always leaves things out, or says things that aren't quite right. I then chime in and correct him. It drives him NUTS! It actually drives me a little nuts myself, but I can't help it. I do the same thing when he's singing a song and sings the wrong lyrics, I HAVE to let him know what the correct lyrics are, even though he doesn't even care, and most of the time sings them wrong just to bug me. I don't correct people to belittle them, I just do it before I realize that I'm doing it. I guess I'm pretty annoying!
6. I don't kill bugs. It's not that I like them or something....I just don't kill them. In fact, I don't want to be near them at all. The whole tissue squishing thing completely grosses me out and not only do I NOT want to be within hand distance of bugs, I definitely don't want to feel them squished between my fingers. If I have a chance to "save" a bug I will try to shoo it out the door/window. Why? I don't know, I guess they're alive too. The exception to "killing" bugs is if there's a spider or bee. Then the only way to deal with them is the vacuum. I hold out the extension so I'm as far away from it as possible and suck it up. I know it doesn't necessarily kill it, but at least it captures it. I usually let the vacuum run for a couple of minutes to make sure it's not stuck in the tube. It's nice now that we have a dyson, because it's like there's a little viewing window.
Well, I guess that wasn't so hard (even though it's taken me almost a week to finish, I can only spend a small amount on the computer at a time). I'm supposed to "tag" six people, but I don't know if I know six people with blogs to tag, so if you read this, you should consider yourself tagged :o).
1 year ago
Good job, Tiff!
You know those karaoke competition shows they have now? Yes, they do. And I watch it. On Tuesday nights because Justin is gone for Elders Quorum and I get one channel and Abbey likes to dance. Anyway, I always think 'Tiffany would waste these people' because you knew EVERY song and EVERY lyric we ever came across. Wish that would have rubbed off on me, I'm horrible. If I really like a song, I have to look up the lyrics online :)
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