Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Pets Allowed

Look what we found at the park yesterday! It was funny because I was reading the sign that said "No Pets Allowed" and looked over and saw a HUGE snake slithering around by this guy. I went over to check it out. Apparently, "Baby", even though there is nothing baby about this serpent, does not qualify as a pet! I asked what type of snake it was, and all I really caught is the word "constrictor", but he said she's not poisonous and was very sweet. I tried to get Jace & Brooklyn to come and see her, but Jace wouldn't really even look in our direction (although as soon as the "snake people" left, he started whining that he wanted to pet the snake).

Brooklyn eventually came over to check her out, and to pet her tail. That girl is fearless and is much braver than her brother.
**As a side note, Trevor and Wes were both shocked that I would touch a snake, let alone hold it. I told them that I was the one that asked to hold her. Do I not seem like a snake kind of girl, or what?


Ang said...

I am not a snake person at all but you definitely look like a natural handling one, and I am not surprised at all! I guess it is time for you to get one!!

My sister is a reptile freak, she has this chinese crested blah blah blah... it looks like an iguana and carries it around the house feeding it maggots. I was grossed out by it at first but have to admit it is a cute bugger.

MOSblue said...

You are brave and you look really cute!

Shelly said...

When I first read your title I thought that you had bought a puppy, guess I was wrong!!

I don't know how I'd react to a snake... but you look like a natural with one.

Ashley said...

OK, it does make it little more sane that it was actually someone's pet who knew it was people-friendly. When I first saw the picture and read you found it at the park, I thought you meant you literally just found it crawling around the park and picked it up. I was like "What the crap, girl!?! You have children!" Ha ha! You're awesome, I think it's great you just wrapped it around your shoulders.

Karissa said...

I too am SHOCKED that you would put that thing around your neck! That's not the same girl I did disections with in 9th grade biology, she wouldn't touch anything like that! Also I love the look on Brooklyn's face, she looks very worried about you.

Unknown said...

Grammy wouldn't even be in the same Park as a snake...i'd have to take her home...but Pappa and Jenny,the boys too -
no problem!! Slippery little suckers! Great job Tiff, get them to try out those "fun" things! Is Brooke going to be a biologist...or??'s very interesting to examine the inside of animals too - Wild game sure tastes great - never tried snake though I hear it tastes like "chicken".

Anonymous said...

What?! Are you serious?? That is sick. I can't believe that you are touching that thing. I would have never guessed you would have touched that nasty reptile. If I were there I would have been running the other way! You are one brave HOT mama!!

N and J said...

I am definetly surprised that you would take a liking to snakes. I like most animals but snakes and spiders are some I don't think I will every warm up to. I do have to agree that you look very cute and at ease with it. Brooklyn looks like she is very concerned and about to freak out.

mccall said...

holy, crap, tiff! you are amazing for both holding that snake and remember my birthday! i am seriously shocked. thank you SO much! when is your birthday? i want to say september, but i'm probably waaaay off.

Katherine said...

You are sooo cool!!