Monday, August 18, 2008


A couple of weeks ago (I know, I know, I'm back-blogging again, but I just need to get caught up! ) Tara and I took the kiddos to Lagoon. It was our Stake's Lagoon Day so we got free walk-in passes as well as tickets to go on the train and carousel. We debated about buying Jace a regular admission so he could ride all the kiddy rides but I'm glad we didn't! When you first walk into the park there's a big fountain, and that's only thing Jace wanted to do! He is such my water baby!

This was the constant expression on Jace's face. We're just lucky he was looking at the camera at the same time. It's so hard to get pictures of him while he's playing because he won't stop at all.
Here's Jace testing out the water.

Jace gets mad every time the water stopped. He'd point down and say "wahduh". He got daring when the water stopped and would run into the middle of the fountain. This is where all the fountains around the circle meet and there's a TON of water. One time he ran out there and got stuck under all of the water. He was pretty scared. So was I, which is why there's no picture of it!

Here's Jace running out of the middle of the fountain after being caught in the middle of the downpour. (He got braver as the day went on).

We eventually convinced (okay, more like forced) Jace away from the fountain and went on a train ride. Here's the four of us waiting for the ride to begin.

Here's Jace and "Wuh wuh" having some fun on the train.

Jace is turning into such a big boy! He wants to sit all by himself. He loved the train and seeing all of the different animals.

Brooklyn loved the train too!

At first Jace wanted to sit on the little bear, but then he decided to move on to bigger and better things.

Here's Brooklyn on her pretty pony.

Look at that sweet mug. I love her teethy smile!

Thanks, Tara, for spending the day with us, it was a blast!


Ang said...

They are getting so big, Brooklyn is still so stinking tiny but those teeth give it away that she is growing up.

Nate said...

I think Brooklyn may have more teeth than Liv...I can't believe how fast she is growing seems like we have been gone for a year!!!!

Enjoy lagoon while you can because in a couple years it will cost you $40 to get in, and Jace will force you to go on the Fire Dragon...over and over and over again!!

Shelly said...

Cute pictures!! Gotta love Lagoon... Your kids are darling, I love Brooklyns 'cheezy' little grin.

Amber Shellabarger said...

Ohh that reminds me of when we took the babies to Lagoon when they were really little and rode on the train.
BTW Nic burns weeds all the time. At first neighbors would bring a hose over because they were all worried and now they just bring over there weeds too.

N and J said...

Back- Bloggin? Is that a real term or do we give you credit for creating it? I can see it now on the next Jepardy turnament of champions. Jace you make me smile just to look at you. and Brooklyn I understand you were an absolute angel today when Grandpa tended. My favorite was the teethy smile that ended your (back bloggin) love, Mom Julie

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I had so much fun with the kiddos. They are so cute. Thank you for letting me spend time with you guys!

The Hodsons said...

Cute pictures!!!! I'm glad you guys had a fun time!

The Hodsons said...

HAHA! Ok, I just read the previous post about your guys' weeds and fire and police incident. That makes me laugh too hard! I agree with you on some things not being worth arguing about and it sounds like you won the argument anyways :)

Pat Zezula said...

Hi much fun with Brooklyn...Trevors favorite sister was climbing up on the kitchen cabinets b4 she could walk. And Jaceman...keep entertaining your folks with food and...(your fun has just begun)...and he looks so angelic!
Love ya'll,
Grammy and Papa