Friday, January 30, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod

Lately, whatever Brooklyn does, Jace does. And everything Jace does, Brooklyn wants to do too. Sometimes it can be annoying, but mostly it's just really cute. They are learning to play together really well. I've been trying hard to capture some of these moments, it's fun to watch!

Here are Jace & Brooklyn in their "Car Towel" and "Princess Towel". They both have to be wrapped up in their towels and they run around the house. You can't bathe one without the other, and if one wants out, so does the other.

Here they are drinking their milk before bed. Jace loves to cuddle Brooklyn. (Yes, I know Jace is too old for a bottle, but try telling that to him when his little sister gets one. He only gets this one bottle a day. I figure when I wean her, I'll wean him too.)

A couple weeks ago, Tara picked up some boots for Brooklyn on sale up in Park City. After she got her diaper changed in the morning, Brooklyn wanted to try her new boots on. (Which are much too big, they're for next year). Jace, of course, had to go in the closet and get his boots on too. They stomped through the house all morning!

Here are the rugrats "helping" mommy do laundry. (Which consists of them emptying the hamper so they can climb in it!)

Yesterday after breakfast, Jace and Brooklyn were playing in Jace's room. Jace insisted on wearing his ball jammies, and both Brooklyn and Jace insisted that Brooklyn wear some of Jace's jammies too. They actually fit her better than I thought, but were still really big. They thought they were so cool in their jammies. I even took them to the store like that! (I know, kind of embarrassing, but oh well. I'm glad to get my kids dressed once a day, and really didn't want to fight them into changing their clothes.

Then Brooklyn climbed into the laundry basket where Jace had to follow. I love this picture of Brooklyn bugging Jace. It's nice that she can pester him a little once in awhile since it's usually the other way around!

It's so much fun having the kids so close in age. It's so fun to watch them play together and to interact.


Anonymous said...

Your kids are darling. I love watching them play together. You can sure tell that they love each other!!

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Ang said...

Ohhhhh what cuties! That is definitely the benefit of having kids close in age, they get to grow up together. I thought we would get to forgo the sibling rivalry and teasing having our kids farther apart but don't you worry even they pester each other!

Who doesn't love a kid in boots and a diaper, it is a fashion statement to say the least!

Nate said...

I can't believe how big they are both getting. I love when our girls play together although I don't think we would be allowed to take any pictures of them because that would be "uncool".

I love the pictures. It seems like it has been years since we have seen them.

Jen said...

They are so cute. I think its great they are so close. I keep thinking of our walks while you were prego with Brooklyn and how worried you were. I'm glad that it has turned out to be a fun experience.

Shelly said...

Too cute!!